
«TEK Operator» provides export shipping of containerized cargo in any direction. This is a multimodal delivery, which includes the transportation of containers by road or rail to the Russian sea port of departure. The cargo is transported by rail to the station of the recipient when exporting through Zabaikalsk.

«TEK Operator» provides full documentary and organizational support.

Export multimodal transportation by rail

Container cargo transportation is carried out through Zabaikalsk in the direction of Chinese consignees. In Zabaikalsk, there is a technological transfer of containers to the wagons of the Chinese Railway.

The advantages of transporting this way:
  • the possibility of optimizing costs when using the park of containers;
  • subsidies for customs clearance of goods by the Chinese administration.

Containerized cargo

  1. Products of the metallurgical industry, ferroalloys, scrap for EU countries, East Asian countries, Japan.
  2. Lumber and other wood products for East Asian countries, Japan and other countries.
  3. Products of the petrochemical industry, including synthetic rubbers and hazardous goods.
  4. Products of food and grain processing industry.
  5. Other types of goods allowed for export in containers.

Export multimodal transportation by sea

Ports of the Far East

  1. Vladivostok
  2. Vostochny
  3. Nakhodka
The advantages of transporting this way:
  • the best terms and prices for delivery from regions east of Novosibirsk;
  • the possibility of accelerated delivery to ports from Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

Baltic ports

  1. St. Petersburg
  2. Ust-Luga
The advantages of transporting this way:
  • variety of delivery cargo options to the port;
  • simplified requirements for packaging.

Black Sea ports

  1. Novorossiysk
The advantages of transporting this way:
  • possibility of planning optimal logistic route;
  • availability of well-equipped specialized container terminals.